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Body contouring & Liposuction

Body contouring is a general term that refers to any surgical procedure that alters different areas of the body, whether it is in a massive weight loss patient or not. Body contouring after massive weight loss refers to a series of procedures that eliminate and/or reduce excess skin and fat that remains after obese individuals lose a significant amount of weight, in a variety of places including the torso, upper arms, chest, and thighs.
Food-restriction operations to the stomach have several side effects. One such undesirable side effect that is very bothersome andvisible is the loose, hanging skin that covers much of a weight loss patient's body. Because hundreds of pounds have stretched the patient's skin to the maximum, it has lost its elasticity and the ability to spring back. Instead, the newly slimmed patient must deal with so much extra hanging skin, he or she can actually stumble on an overhanging panniculus, the large apron of skin hanging from the stomach that can cover the pubis and groin areas.

Notably, many extra inches (and sometimes, feet) of floppy skin hang from the upper arms, the chest, the stomach, the upper thighs and buttocks.

Most people who have lost massive amounts of weight complain about the difficulty of getting their fleshy arms into sleeves and their excess stomach skin tucked into clothing. Many say that sitting on the loose skin is like sitting on Jell-O. Most women in this state condition require a mastopexy, or breast lift, often in conjunction with breast implants. Men who have body shaping surgery usually undergo male breast reduction surgery to remove the pendulous skin hanging from their chests

The extra rolls and sheets of skin rub against each other, creating many spots of irritation and leading to hygienic difficulties. The masses of excess skin also make any form of exercise difficult.

While the procedure is expensive, often running in the neighbourhood of US$20,000-50,000 for an entire body, it usually leaves long, visible scars on the arms, chest, stomach and legs. Most surgeons break the surgical task into an upper, and a lower, body lift. A lower body lift removes the sagging skin on the back, abdomen, buttocks and thighs while the upper body procedure removes loose skin from the arms, breasts and chest.

Liposuction and Body contouring Clinic Liposuction ,Lipoplasty and Lipostructuring is done for various body parts including face , chin(double chin) , neck, arms ,,breast ,abdomen ,back , waist, love handles , banana rolls and saddle bags on buttocks , thighs and calf regions.. Body contouring after massive weight loss means procedures that reduce excess skin and fat that remains after obese individuals lose a significant amount of weight, in a various places including the torso, upper arms, chest, and thighs.

  • We do Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction (UAL) as well as Tumescent Liposuction.
  • Generally fats removal up to 10% of body weight is done at a time. But Mega-Liposuction (fat removal up to 15 litters) can be done in special cases after considering all safety factors. It reduces the girth rather than the weight.
    Regular fitness excercises and motivation is essential.we also provide special diet for such patients along with arobic excercise training.

  • Gynecomastia- (male breast enlargement) is a very common condition in men. It can result in terrible embarrassment, teasing, and social trauma. Many will try to hide it with thick shirts, avoid bare chest activities, and withdraw from public exposure. Tumescent Liposuction Technique has limited bruising and swelling.. The surgical methods employed may vary depending on whether the breasts in the male patient are caused by adipose (fatty) or glandular tissue and the degree to which any glandular tissue extends laterally along the sides of the torso.
    Dr. Bembde has evolved his surgery to maximize each patient's comfort and help early recovery.
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