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Laser Treatment

Mole removal

Moles are dark spots or irregularities found in the skin. They come in various shapes and sizes. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin, from the nose and other facial area, as well as arms and chest areas, in groups, or by themselves. They can be present at birth, or can begin to appear over time. Some moles go unnoticed, and some, like facial "beauty marks," are actually considered attractive. However, moles are bothersome to some people, and can even lead to dangerous health risks. Mole removal, whether by laser or other surgery procedures, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that provides a solution to people wanting to improve their appearance and reduce associated health risks

Mole removal typically takes less than an hour to perform, depending on the amount of moles to be removed.

Laser treatment is another method of mole removal. While scarring is not an issue for this technique, it is important to know this is not a method used for treating deep moles because the laser does not penetrate deeply enough.

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